I am so excited to finally be done and have the final report turned in! Now I can focus all of my attention on doing my best and succeeding here at the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau. Check out the link! Come back in June to see the new Visit Phoenix website!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Final Report:
Can't believe that today our final report is due. This signifies so much; no more classes, no more papers, no more exams and graduation! Where has the time gone? I just want to congratulate everyone on completing their internships and moving forward with their lives, whether that be continuing your education or developing a career.
Monday, May 4, 2009
New Beginnings...
Well today was my first day as official Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau employee and it has been off to a great start, beginning the day with flowers from my new manager! I had more of my in-processing papers to fill out, health insurance, life insurance, A-4, W-4, 401k etc... It really clicked that I am that close to being done with school and having work as my top priority.
I also had my final interview for my final report today with Janis Thomas, my director in Convention Services and Housing. She has been with the bureau longer than anyone else, since 1975 when the bureau was established. She is such a wonderful role model of where the GPCVB can take you. She started out as the Executive Assistant to the President and CEO and now she is far beyond that position. She also gave me words of encouragement and told me how far she thinks I will go in this company. Definitely a great start to a first day at my new career. The future is looking mighty bright, I'd have to say :)
9 days until graduation!
I also had my final interview for my final report today with Janis Thomas, my director in Convention Services and Housing. She has been with the bureau longer than anyone else, since 1975 when the bureau was established. She is such a wonderful role model of where the GPCVB can take you. She started out as the Executive Assistant to the President and CEO and now she is far beyond that position. She also gave me words of encouragement and told me how far she thinks I will go in this company. Definitely a great start to a first day at my new career. The future is looking mighty bright, I'd have to say :)
9 days until graduation!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
One more day!

There is only 1 day left of my internship, I can't believe it! This semester has gone by fast and I cant believe that it's that time for graduation. Best wishes to everyone with any finals that they might have!
This week has just flown by! Today I have to sit in on a conference call with a meeting planner and conduct some interviews for the final report! Tomorrow should also go by fast, I have my out-processing for my internship and my new employee in-processing at the same time; then I will get all my business cards, name badge etc. Should be pretty exciting. I can't beleive I start my new job on Monday!
About my new job- I am a Convention Services and Housing Assistant. I just found out that all my benefits (medical, dental, vision..) kick in after just 30 days and I also get 2 weeks paid vacation as well as 12 days of personal time off paid. Pretty good deal :) I do have to sit back at my 'intern' desk for the first week as they are changing the cube set up where I will be and it wont be ready until May 15.
This should be a busy next few months, we have 10 groups between now and next March! I highly recomend interning at the GPCVB, you gain many contacts, you learn a lot of applicable skills, and the office is just a delight! So if you know anyone who needs a fall internship, tell them to apply at the GPCVB!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Last few days as an intern...
This week has started off great! Monday we had a meeting with a potential client, the Arizona Sereno Soccer Club. They hold 3 tournaments a year and are looking for a new housing service for their tournaments. I created a mock reservation website with photos and everything to present to their committee as well as talked them through many different things. The photo is a preview of part of the webpage I created :)
Today we had another sales presentation. Representatives from Castles N' Coasters, Comfort Suites Goodyear, and Wrigley Mansion all came out with goodies and great information about what they have to offer. Castles N' Coasters gave us each 2 free rounds of miniature golf, Comfort Suites brought us breakfast and gave us eco-grocery bags and also raffled of 2 weekend stays in their suites on their property, and Wrigley Mansion gave us free drink coupons. All in all a pretty sweet deal!
Friday is my last day as an intern, I cant believe how fast the last 14 weeks have gone by!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Whats to come...
So I have 8 days left as an intern at the GPCVB and will begin in my position as Convention Services and Housing Coordinator on Monday, May 4. Yes I am jumping right into it! Seems a little crazy to not have a break but we were able to work out something that allows me time off this month and a week in July, which to me is even better than waiting until after graduation to begin my career. Everyone in the bureau has been so welcoming and excited for me to become a part of the team!
Back to what I'm doing at work...
Last week was really fun! We share our office with the Greater Phoenix Sports Commision and were able to help them bring back the Arizona Sports Hall of Fame Ceremony. It has been many years since there were able to hold this ceremony and I would have to say it was a success! It was held at the Phoenician and there were games (basketball, golf putting, pitching, football...) and a silent auction before the ceremony. They offered free beer and wine as well as some really good appetizers! There were so many sports figures that attended, it was awesome to be able to meet and interact with them! After the pre-ceremony festivities we were able to attend the induction where Bob Horner and Al McCoy and a few others were honored. It was such a great experience. The picture above is of the inductees at the ceremony!
For now I am gradually being trained on some of my new tasks that come along with my position while still maintaining the work I have always done. As for the rest of this week, I have 3 meetings and we are meeting with potential clients Friday.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Very excited!
I'm very excited to share the news, after 3 weeks of interviews my internship has paid off! I have been offered a job at the the GPCVB as a housing coordinator and I gladly accepted! I am so thrilled to become a part of the Convention Services team here at the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau, and look forward to the future.
The process was very formal and there were 5 other canidates interviewed. I had to go through interviews with my Director Jan Thomas, my Vice President Marc Garcia, and finally the President and CEO Steve Moore.
I have enjoyed being an intern here and look forward to whats to come!
Good Luck!
The process was very formal and there were 5 other canidates interviewed. I had to go through interviews with my Director Jan Thomas, my Vice President Marc Garcia, and finally the President and CEO Steve Moore.
I have enjoyed being an intern here and look forward to whats to come!
Good Luck!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Slowing down
As my final weeks at the CVB are wrapping up, the conventions have finally started to slow down.
Since last week I have been under new management and we have had to do a lot of clean up. There were many things that werent being done by the previous manager that were needed for records. These things were very important and it just goes to show why she is no longer the manager. So my week has mainly consisted of filing, faxing, and entering data that should've been done months ago. Although it has kept me busy during what normally is a very slow time.
Only 12 days left as an intern and a month until graduation!
Since last week I have been under new management and we have had to do a lot of clean up. There were many things that werent being done by the previous manager that were needed for records. These things were very important and it just goes to show why she is no longer the manager. So my week has mainly consisted of filing, faxing, and entering data that should've been done months ago. Although it has kept me busy during what normally is a very slow time.
Only 12 days left as an intern and a month until graduation!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The past few weeks at the GPCVB have been interesting to say the least. Starting with 2 weeks ago, my manager Lisa was out "sick" for a whole week. She missed my site visit with Sara so I had to do that by myself and I also had to deal with all her emails and calls coming in. After a few days I learned that Lisa wasn't really all that sick, but trying to avoid dealing with a problem that's a result of her overlooking some things. Needless to say after a week of absence and lack of work ethic upon her return, Lisa was let go from the bureau.
So now here I am, in my final few weeks of my internship, and it completely get flipped upside down. Luckily 4 of our groups have just came and gone and now we only have 2 groups, so there wasn't much to worry about. I am between 2 supervisors, the old Housing Manager and the new. This is taught me many lessons. One, pay attention to detail and make no room for mistakes. Two, be flexible to how other people work- everyone has different ways they go about their business. Three, make sure YOUR bases are covered, come to find out I have been very helpful with this transition of positions and this experience was like a test and I passed.
Looking ahead, I see this controversy as a blessing in disguise. I was able to not only prove to my superiors that I am a hard worker, but that I'm dedicated and want to help whenever possible. I have 3 weeks left as an intern and although at the beginning of last week I was nervous of what was to come, I am very happy now and it couldn't have worked out any better.
So now here I am, in my final few weeks of my internship, and it completely get flipped upside down. Luckily 4 of our groups have just came and gone and now we only have 2 groups, so there wasn't much to worry about. I am between 2 supervisors, the old Housing Manager and the new. This is taught me many lessons. One, pay attention to detail and make no room for mistakes. Two, be flexible to how other people work- everyone has different ways they go about their business. Three, make sure YOUR bases are covered, come to find out I have been very helpful with this transition of positions and this experience was like a test and I passed.
Looking ahead, I see this controversy as a blessing in disguise. I was able to not only prove to my superiors that I am a hard worker, but that I'm dedicated and want to help whenever possible. I have 3 weeks left as an intern and although at the beginning of last week I was nervous of what was to come, I am very happy now and it couldn't have worked out any better.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Back in action!
Hope everyone had a great spring break, I know I did!
Now its back to work! These days I am mainly working with the housing department at the bureau because it is super under staffed! It has been a really long time since they have had this many groups opening up at once, and they arent properly staffed for how much there is to do. So busy is an understatement!
Last week I was out for 3 days for my vacation and when I came back on Thursday, I had a mess to clean up! One of our groups I am pretty much working on by myself and so while I was on vacation they tried their hardest to keep up with the group.
This week, we had ADEA's conference begin and so I attended their pre-con meeting which is always one of my favorite things to do as an intern. I like meeting with all sides of the conventions and see what other avenues are out there. On top of having one group here, we have 2 groups shutting down (which is always busy with last minute registrations and what not) and they will be here at the end of March, beginning of April.
With the economy as it is, the GPCVB housing department didnt have it in their budget to hire on a replacement for a girl who went back to school in January, which she was great and a huge help; major part in why we are so busy. So after my internship I may stay on part time through May so that they arent left with only 1 person working in the department. Way to much work for one person to handle!
Hope everyone is having luck putting appliactions out there, we are getting so close!
Now its back to work! These days I am mainly working with the housing department at the bureau because it is super under staffed! It has been a really long time since they have had this many groups opening up at once, and they arent properly staffed for how much there is to do. So busy is an understatement!
Last week I was out for 3 days for my vacation and when I came back on Thursday, I had a mess to clean up! One of our groups I am pretty much working on by myself and so while I was on vacation they tried their hardest to keep up with the group.
This week, we had ADEA's conference begin and so I attended their pre-con meeting which is always one of my favorite things to do as an intern. I like meeting with all sides of the conventions and see what other avenues are out there. On top of having one group here, we have 2 groups shutting down (which is always busy with last minute registrations and what not) and they will be here at the end of March, beginning of April.
With the economy as it is, the GPCVB housing department didnt have it in their budget to hire on a replacement for a girl who went back to school in January, which she was great and a huge help; major part in why we are so busy. So after my internship I may stay on part time through May so that they arent left with only 1 person working in the department. Way to much work for one person to handle!
Hope everyone is having luck putting appliactions out there, we are getting so close!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Back in work mode...
Last week I had a nice mini vacation, and now I am back in the office picking up where I left off.
The past few weeks have been pretty crazy! Our team has had to dedicate a lot of time to fixing some issues will hotel rates that went unnoiticed for 2 months! This was a great experience to get to help solve the problem with my team, although it was a pricey mistake that took 2 weeks to fix.
On to a great note, if you havent heard WWE is holding an international event at the University of Phoenix Stadium in 2010, thanks to the GPCVB. Our team is heading over to the press conference this afternoon.
As for the rest of this week, I have a few site visits and pre-con meetings to attend...which I actually really enjoy!
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust noone but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." —Marilyn Monroe
The past few weeks have been pretty crazy! Our team has had to dedicate a lot of time to fixing some issues will hotel rates that went unnoiticed for 2 months! This was a great experience to get to help solve the problem with my team, although it was a pricey mistake that took 2 weeks to fix.
On to a great note, if you havent heard WWE is holding an international event at the University of Phoenix Stadium in 2010, thanks to the GPCVB. Our team is heading over to the press conference this afternoon.
As for the rest of this week, I have a few site visits and pre-con meetings to attend...which I actually really enjoy!
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust noone but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." —Marilyn Monroe
Monday, February 9, 2009
It already been a month?
The time has been passing by so quickley, cant believe it's the start of week 5!
Last week was very busy, as usual. I have come across my first complication- an event coordinator I'm working with for her upcoming conference for March did not block off enough shoulder dates for her attendees. Normally the hotel would be able to provide us with more rooms but this conference is scheduled at the same time as another convention and there arent anymore rooms to give. After much diliberation we were able to add on another hotel and fix the mess, thankfully!
This week is filled with meetings! Tomorrow is by far the busiest day for me, I have a presentation and then our office is getting together to head over to the capitol. For those of you who may not know, the Arizona Office of Tourism was being considered to have a budget cut by the state. After countless amounts of letters poured into our senators and legislators, the AOT was lucky enough to survive without any cuts to their department. So we are all heading over to thank our representatives!!
A new project I am working on is setting up a registration website for an incoming social event. This is new to me so I can't wait to see the finished product!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week was very busy, as usual. I have come across my first complication- an event coordinator I'm working with for her upcoming conference for March did not block off enough shoulder dates for her attendees. Normally the hotel would be able to provide us with more rooms but this conference is scheduled at the same time as another convention and there arent anymore rooms to give. After much diliberation we were able to add on another hotel and fix the mess, thankfully!
This week is filled with meetings! Tomorrow is by far the busiest day for me, I have a presentation and then our office is getting together to head over to the capitol. For those of you who may not know, the Arizona Office of Tourism was being considered to have a budget cut by the state. After countless amounts of letters poured into our senators and legislators, the AOT was lucky enough to survive without any cuts to their department. So we are all heading over to thank our representatives!!
A new project I am working on is setting up a registration website for an incoming social event. This is new to me so I can't wait to see the finished product!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Warming Up...
Hello again!
I am in the middle of my fourth week here at the GPCVB and I am really starting to get in to a routine. But last week was pretty crazy with all that I have to work on and the excitment in the office for the big game this past Sunday. We celebrated Friday with a big luncheon feast cooked by our CEO's wife and Honey Baked Ham... lucky us!
We finally closed on my first housing assignment, the SC Del Sol Presidents Day Soccer Tournament, which was pretty relieving. Teams from all over the country as well as some international teams are participating in this big event. We had over 35 hotels just for this tournament!
We started on our next big conference, the VFW annual convention and for only being open 3 business days we have received hundreds of reservation forms. So for now I am busy adding this reservations into their hotel blocks. On Friday we are meeting with the event coordinator for the VFW to go over the final paperwork.
I have a feeling February will be gone before I know it...
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson
I am in the middle of my fourth week here at the GPCVB and I am really starting to get in to a routine. But last week was pretty crazy with all that I have to work on and the excitment in the office for the big game this past Sunday. We celebrated Friday with a big luncheon feast cooked by our CEO's wife and Honey Baked Ham... lucky us!
We finally closed on my first housing assignment, the SC Del Sol Presidents Day Soccer Tournament, which was pretty relieving. Teams from all over the country as well as some international teams are participating in this big event. We had over 35 hotels just for this tournament!
We started on our next big conference, the VFW annual convention and for only being open 3 business days we have received hundreds of reservation forms. So for now I am busy adding this reservations into their hotel blocks. On Friday we are meeting with the event coordinator for the VFW to go over the final paperwork.
I have a feeling February will be gone before I know it...
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hi everyone, hope all of your internships are going great and that your learning a lot from them!! I have been at the Greater Phoenix CVB for about 2 weeks now and I absolutley love it! Everyone is so welcoming and helpful. I have been so busy since day 1.
During my first week at the CVB I got to attend my very first pre-con meeting for the Mary Kay convention that is being held at the Phoenix Convention Center with Karla Vogtman, a TDM graduate! It was really interesting to finally attend one and see all that conventions really entail.
I am currently working on 4 different conventions at the moment, so multi tasking is definitley something that I am becoming very good at. Also, from working here at the CVB I have begun to become a more confident public speaker through all the meetings and phone calls that I have had.
Everyday just seems to fly by with all the work that I have going on, but I'm so lucky to have other TDM 463 students working with me (Nikki and Alexis). They help me stay on top of my game :P
Cant wait to see what this internship can teach me!
"The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear." - Socrates
During my first week at the CVB I got to attend my very first pre-con meeting for the Mary Kay convention that is being held at the Phoenix Convention Center with Karla Vogtman, a TDM graduate! It was really interesting to finally attend one and see all that conventions really entail.
I am currently working on 4 different conventions at the moment, so multi tasking is definitley something that I am becoming very good at. Also, from working here at the CVB I have begun to become a more confident public speaker through all the meetings and phone calls that I have had.
Everyday just seems to fly by with all the work that I have going on, but I'm so lucky to have other TDM 463 students working with me (Nikki and Alexis). They help me stay on top of my game :P
Cant wait to see what this internship can teach me!
"The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear." - Socrates
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